

Application of Triaxial Accelerometer in Accurate Estimation of Tilt for Structural Health Monitoring.


Amir Rajabi Moghaddam,Sepideh Harajchi.

Present Address:

3nd International Congress on Contemporary in Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Development.

Date of Acceptance:



This study explored the application of triaxial micro-machined accelerometer (MEMS) in accurate estimation of tilt. For analytical consideration, an exclusive software designed in LabVIEW 2014 framework with data logging capability of 100 sample per second from 3 separate channel. Acceleration from X, Y and Z directions gathered and tilt in X and Y directions calculated. Results was shown on time history charts and logged in the text files. One of outstanding features added to the software was implementation of hazard alarm. If the RMS values of tilt in each directions were greater than threshold levels, instrument would inform administrations with alarm and short alarm message. Verification was done by usage of two instruments and the results were concluded.



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